Outpost Crush Communism
Troops of the ROK 3rd Division man Outpost Crush Communism where they keep a watch on North Korean activities and intercept infiltrators. A Korean officer tried to communicate in broken English about a firefight with infiltrators within the past 10-15 years in which all the enemy were killed. Photos were not allowed on the dubious pretext that the North Koreans could see reflections of camera lens and think they were being fired upon. Nevertheless, we managed to get some useful pictures and lived to tell about it.
Crush Communism is located at coordinates 555400 on the Kumhwa map. The small valley and ridge to the north were occupied by UN troops during the war. The June 1953 7th Regiment report states that at the beginning of June, this general area was near the regiment's left flank, which was at coordinates 543415 in the valley north of present day Crush Communism. On June 6th, the left flank was shifted to 551420 further east and north to the ridge beyond the valley. This was the location of the left flank during the June 14-15, 1953 Chinese attack on Boomerang. Boomerang is visible in some of the photos.
From Below OP Crush Communism in the Hantan Chon Valley - including views of Hill 1062 (Papasan).
The Outpost Itself - Smiley faces, camoflauged steps, a temple, a jeep, and guys with assault rifles.
Photos From the OP
From OP Crush Communism - Northwest toward Hills 682 and 717.
From OP Crush Communism - Northeast toward Boomerang, Papasan, and the Triangle Hill complex.
From OP Crush Communism - South toward the rear area.